
Phase 2: Design & Test - Prototype

Indonesia, Design & Test

During the Design & Test Phase, Flow Chart users translate problems into solutions using a highly creative, collaborative, energetic, and human-centered approach. Using the insights and opportunities identified during the Define Phase as inspiration, groups of designers, health experts, development specialists, stakeholders, and representatives from the audience come together to rapidly generate a broad array of ideas for possible solutions. Users iteratively refine, prototype, and test these ideas several times in increasing levels of fidelity, using user feedback to inform the final solutions and ensure that they are both useful and usable for those involved in the design.

Phase 2 Design & Test: Imagine, Refine, Prototype, Test


What can we do to turn our ideas into solutions?

By the end of this step, you will have a set of tangible prototypes that capture the prioritized solutions. You can put the prototypes in the hands of your users for testing.

How to conduct this step and achieve its main objectives:

Build the Prototype

A prototype is an incomplete version of a physical or digital product, to be taken into user testing. During this step, you will learn how to build a set of prototypes.

Design SBCC Message Guide

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Suggested time:
4–6 hours, depending on scope
Design and research team, partners and stakeholders, individuals you are designing for

Tool: Design SBCC Message Guide

This tool provides a comprehensive set of guidelines that not only outlines the design principles but also details the processes involved in crafting effective messages. It ensures these messages are not only impactful but also culturally sensitive, resonating with the intended audience. It serves as a roadmap for creating communication materials that not only capture attention but also drive positive behavior change and social impact.

Effort required:

Three out of five on the effort scale

Five Artifacts Activity

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Suggested time:
5–6 hours
Design and research team, partners and stakeholders, individuals you are designing for

Tool: Five Artifacts Activity

This brief exercise aims to motivate your team to contemplate how the prototype could be developed through a five-step process and an assessment of the materials accessible in the surroundings.

Effort required:

Three out of five on the effort scale

Prototyping Kit

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Suggested time:
3–4 hours, depending on what you are testing
Design and research team, partners and stakeholders, individuals you are designing for

Tool: Prototyping Kit

A prototype kit is a versatile toolset used in product development and innovation processes. It contains various materials like a card deck and storyboarding template, which enable creators to build physical prototypes of their ideas. This kit facilitates rapid experimentation, visualization of concepts, and user testing, fostering iterative design and refining innovative solutions before final production.

Effort required:

Three out of five on the effort scale

Check for Gender Integration

At this stage, take time to ensure your prototypes are promoting gender equality.

Gender Checklist

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Suggested time:
1–2 hours
Design and research team, partners, and stakeholders

Tool: Gender Checklist

A gender checklist is a systematic tool for evaluating ideas, prototypes, or initiatives for gender inclusivity. It includes specific criteria and questions related to gender. By using it, teams can promote gender equality and diversity in their work for more equitable outcomes.

Effort required:

Two out of five on the effort scale

Have you used any of the tools in the SBC Flow Chart Toolkit?