Audience Segmentation for Nutrition

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Social and behavior change (SBC) strategies are critical for addressing social and structural barriers, and encouraging positive behaviors around nutrition. SBC can foster increased utilization of health services, improved client-provider interactions, and improved dietary diversity, among other outcomes.

To increase the effectiveness of SBC strategies, program planners must understand the intended audience(s) and the factors driving their behavior. Audience segmentation is a technique that divides a population into groups with similar characteristics related to a topic or behavior of interest, enabling a deeper understanding of the demographic factors, norms, and attitudes that enable or inhibit positive behavior change among each group. The use of audience segmentation can help SBC practitioners develop interventions tailored to each group’s particular characteristics and needs.

This course is intended for use by SBC and service delivery professionals seeking to encourage positive nutrition behavior change by employing segmentation based on needs, attitudes, and behaviors of intended audience(s).