What certificates do you offer?

Certificates are available for SBC Learning Central courses that have a posttest. You must complete all course content, including the course feedback form, and earn a score of 80% or better on the posttest to receive a certificate.

Can I save my certificate to print later?

Yes, login to your SBC Learning Central profile to view and download your certificate(s) at any time. Click on the “Certificate” button for the course certificate you wish to access. Your certificate will open as a PDF that you can save or print.

Can you mail me my certificate?

At this time, we are unable to mail certificates. We encourage you to either print the certificate or save it to a storage device to print in the future. Please note you can login to your SBC Learning Central profile at any time to view and download your certificate(s).

Can I receive CME or CEU credits for SBC Learning Central courses?

Because accreditation varies by country and by profession, SBC Learning Central does not provide continuing medical education (CME) or continuing education units (CEU) credits for courses.

Where can I find my certificate(s)? 

You can return to SBC Learning Central at any time to view and download your certificate(s).

On your SBC Learning Central profile page, you will find a list of YOUR COURSES with one of three buttons: Start, Resume, and Certificate.

  • Start appears next any courses you are not yet enrolled in. Clicking “Start” will automatically enroll you in the course.
  • Resume appears next to courses you are enrolled in but haven’t completed yet. The “% complete” indicates your completion status. Clicking “Resume” will take you back to where you left off in the course. 
  • Certificate appears next to courses that you have successfully completed with an 80% or higher score on the posttest and for which you have submitted a course feedback form. Clicking “Certificate” will open a PDF that you can print or save. You can return to your profile page at any time to access your certificate(s).

Can I link to an SBC Learning Central course on another website/document?

Yes, please do! You can link directly to SBC Learning Central to provide a full list of courses and toolkits or link to individual courses as needed. Please include a citation noting SBC Learning Central as the original source.

Sample citation: 
SBC Learning Central. (n.d.). Introduction to behavioral economics [Course]. Breakthrough ACTION.  

Who is the intended audience for SBC Learning Central?

The primary intended audiences for SBC Learning Central are French- and English-speaking SBC practitioners and stakeholders working across key public health topics (e.g., sexual and reproductive health, malaria, nutrition, and emergency outbreaks). This includes donors and staff from international, national, and local non-governmental organizations; universities; multilateral organizations; and government agencies.