Changement social et de comportement pour la prestation de services de santé sexuelle et reproductive

Appliquer des approches et techniques de changement social et de comportement (CSC) aux efforts de prestation de services peut motiver les clients à accéder aux services, améliorer les interactions entre les clients et les prestataires et favoriser l’adoption et le maintien de comportements sains. Cette approache peut améliorer les résultats en matière de santé en aidant les prestataires à améliorer la qualité de l’engagement et du dialogue au sein de communauté, l’éducation des clients et la promotion de la santé, ainsi que le counseling [ou conseil] et la prise de décision partagée. Les approches de CSC peuvent améliorer l’expérience globale des clients en matière de soins, ce qui peut se traduire par une plus grande satisfaction de la prestation des soins de santé, une confiance accrue envers les prestataires de soins de santé et le système de santé, et une amélioration des comportements qui favorisent la recherche des soins et le maintien de la santé.

L’objectif principal de ce cours est de démontrer comment le CSC peut être intégré aux services de santé sexuelle et reproductive (SSR) afin d’améliorer l’acceptabilité, l’accès, la qualité et les résultats. En outre, il vise à renforcer la capacité des partenaires de prestation de services à intégrer le CSC à leur travail et identifier de façon succincte comment et où le CSC peut être utilisé à chaque étape du continuum de services, c’est-à-dire avant, pendant et après la prestation de services.

Public cible

Ce cours s’adresse au personnel du secteur public qui supervise la prestation de services de SSR aux niveaux national et sous-national tels que les coordinateurs de SSR ; aux organisations non gouvernementales et communautaires axées sur la prestation de services ; et aux partenaires de prestation de services du secteur privé tels que les franchisés.

Le cours est ouvert à tous, mais surtout aux personnes ayant des connaissances limitées en matière de CSC. Il peut s’appliquer à d’autres domaines de la santé mais se concentre sur la prestation de services de SSR.

Conception du cours

Le cours se compose de quatre modules présentés ci-dessous que vous devriez pouvoir suivre en trois heures environ.

Building Trust and Empathy Around COVID-19: A Client-Centered Communication Approach

The role of a health care worker (HCW) is pivotal for quality health care delivery, demanding both competence and empathy. Despite being recognized as a trusted source for COVID-19 vaccine-related information, HCWs were infrequently engaging and counseling their clients about COVID-19 testing and vaccine uptake. Moreover, in-depth interviews conducted by Breakthrough ACTION with HCWs in four states of Nigeria–Akwa-Ibom, Bauchi, Enugu, Lagos–reported that they lack sufficient information on COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines and require more information on COVID-19 and vaccination (Breakthrough ACTION, 2022). Recognizing the critical role HCWs play in vaccination decisions, there was a need to enhance their knowledge, attitudes, and communication skills.

In response to these challenges, Breakthrough ACTION initiated a comprehensive, multi-component intervention, “Building Trust and Empathy Around COVID-19: A Client-Centered Communication Approach.” This intervention aimed to enhance HCWs’ knowledge of and attitudes about COVID-19 and vaccines, improve communication skills and, in turn, client-provider interactions, and foster resilience to the stress induced by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Building Trust and Empathy curriculum supplements the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health’s National Interpersonal Communication and Counseling manual to equip health workers with tools to address vaccine hesitancy and promote COVID-19 prevention, testing, and vaccination as per national guidelines. This two- to three-hour long online course is adapted from a two-day in-person training.  

Learners should also explore the Nigeria country page of the COVID-19 Communication Network for additional supplemental materials that were developed to reinforce this training, which includes the participant’s training bookletawareness cards (also available in Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba), posters, and learning videos.

Social and Behavior Change for Sexual and Reproductive Health Service Delivery

Applying social and behavior change (SBC) approaches and techniques to service delivery efforts can motivate clients to access services, improve client-provider interactions, and boost adoption and maintenance of healthy behaviors. It can improve health outcomes by helping providers enhance the quality of community engagement and dialogue; client education and health promotion; and counseling and shared decision-making. SBC approaches can improve clients’ overall experience of care, which may result in increased satisfaction with health care delivery, improved trust in health care providers and the health system, and improved health seeking or maintenance behaviors.

The primary purpose of this course is to demonstrate how SBC can be integrated into sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to improve acceptability, access, quality, and outcomes. In addition, this course aims to strengthen the ability of service delivery partners to integrate SBC into their work and summarize how and where SBC can be used at each stage of the service continuum, that is, before, during, and after a client receives services.

Allowing for pauses to complete short reflection exercises, this course will take approximately three hours to complete.

Course Audience

This course is aimed at public sector staff overseeing SRH service delivery at the national and sub-national levels, such as SRH Coordinators; service delivery-focused non-governmental and community-based organizations; and private sector service delivery partners, such as franchisees. The course is relevant to all but focuses on those with limited background knowledge about SBC. It may be applicable to other health areas but focuses on SRH service delivery.