Planification et mise en œuvre de programmes de changement social et de comportement en matière de planification familiale et de santé reproductive

Ce cours a été créé pour améliorer la capacité des gestionnaires et des concepteurs de programmes de planification familiale et de santé reproductive (PF/SR) à planifier et à mettre en œuvre efficacement des activités de PF/SR à l’aide de méthodes de changement social et de comportement (CSC). En utilisant le diagramme du CSC comme modèle d’organisation et de planification, le cours conduit les apprenants à travers les processus de définition des problèmes de santé visés, de conception et de test d’interventions potentielles de PF/SR et CSC, et enfin, d’application et d’affinement des prototypes.

Compte tenu de brèves pauses pour vérifier les connaissances et réfléchir, ce cours prendra environ deux heures.

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Engaging Communities for Reproductive Health and Family Planning

Community engagement is critical for encouraging positive behaviors and addressing reproductive health and family planning (RH/FP) social and structural barriers. Community engagement can foster increased uptake of RH/FP services, improved provider-client interactions, and enhanced partnership and social accountability between health and community systems.

This is a skills-building course for Ministry of Health staff, NGO program managers, and donor organization personnel to learn how to work with communities to build local strengths and support community-led action for RH/FP issues. The course consists of six sessions structured around the adapted Community Action Cycle. It outlines key steps for designing and managing effective community engagement programming, including the process, principles, and values of community engagement and the time, staffing, and budget needed to carry out community engagement for RH/FP. Additional reading materials and tools help the learner more deeply understand and apply course content.

Learning Objectives

  • Articulate the role of community engagement within broader social and behavior change (SBC) programming for RH/FP
  • Identify key steps in designing, implementing, and documenting community engagement for collective action
  • Utilize additional resources for community engagement planning and guidance

Evidence-Based Malaria Social and Behavior Change Communication: From Theory to Program Evaluation

This e-learning series provides an overview on how to use data to make social and behavior change communication (SBCC) interventions more robust, with a focus on malaria. This includes strategies to encourage the long-term adoption of behaviors related to malaria, such as sleeping under a net and seeking care for fever for various target audiences: pregnant women, providers, and children under five, for example.  

If you are interested in how to make your malaria prevention SBCC program more robust or improve your ability to measure the outcomes of your program, then take this course, which consists of five modules. 

Module 1: Telling Stories About Behavior: Theory As Narrative is presented by Doug Storey and will introduce participants to some of the basic theories used in SBCC, using examples specific to malaria. 

Module 2: Formative Research for SBCC: Do You Know Your Audience? is presented by Michelle R. Kaufman and will introduce participants to the basics of formative research for informing SBCC programs, using examples specific to malaria. 

Module 3: Pretesting: A Critical Step to Ensuring SBCC Effectiveness is presented by Rupali Limaye and will introduce participants to the critical steps in pretesting SBCC interventions, using examples specific to malaria. 

Module 4: Monitoring Malaria SBCC Interventions is presented by Hannah Koenker and will introduce participants to various approaches and indicators for monitoring malaria SBCC activities. 

Module 5: Evaluating Social and Behavior Change Communication is presented by Marc Boulay and will introduce participants to techniques for evaluating and attributing causality to SBCC interventions, using examples specific to malaria.